In 2022, HUY Furniture will penetrate a new sector and expand our market presence in the industry. We will continue to develop the training and office chairs markets, increasing our market shares while providing education space solutions, such as high schools and technical schools 'various classrooms and dormitory space. We have received positive feedback so far.
Scenarios: classrooms, conference rooms Scenarios: teachers' office, conference rooms
Scenarios: large conference hall
Education Space Solutions
學校是人員聚集的場所,美好的校園生活需要靠現代化和舒適耐用的家具來營造,針對師生健康等多方面考量,材料的選擇尤為關鍵。匯譽為各大高等院校提供各類解決方案,幫助學校打造漂亮且合理舒適的宿舍、現代感十足的多媒體教室、休閑自由的圖書館以及干凈整潔的餐廳。今年,我們為此開發的產品可用于智能學習教室,也可用于傳統教學,包括協作學習空間、多功能空間、學生餐廳、學生宿舍、公共區域學習空間、大型場地、工作室、辦公等空間場景。這將給老師和學生留下美好的回憶。School is a place where people gather to learn and grow. And a wonderful school experience would includes comfortable and sustainable furniture that considers functionality and quality materials as well. HUY Furniture presents holistic education space solutions for schools and universities to create cozy dormitories, modern multi media rooms, conducive library environment and clean clear design cafeteria. This year we will develop products that are able to use in smart classroom including traditional classrooms, study rooms, multi functional rooms, cafeterias, dormitories, public spaces and offices. Leaving fond memories for all.Design is the key difference between school furniture and home furniture① 需要解決一些學生課桌椅色彩單一、造型呆板的問題。To provide vibrant colors and modern design compare to the traditional school designs.因此一定要注重用戶的體驗:舒適度、靈活外觀和功能性。Focusing on user (student) experience: comfortable, versatile, functionality would be the key areas.③ 結合人體工程學,盡可能解決一些現在的學生課桌椅無法進行高度調節的問題,With ergonomics, reduce strain and pressure on the body thru customizing and adjusting height for each user.④ 針對不同功能,不同區域如實驗室選擇不同的材料,這些區域由于家具使用頻繁,必須堅固耐用,這對家具的耐用程度也提出較高的要求。Selecting the right materials for different settings such as laboratories. Materials have to be durable and strong to withstand frequent wear and tear by different users.
今年,我們會從新一代年輕群體出發,關注學生們喜好的事物。從其物品上提取設計元素:活潑跳躍顏色、柔和的曲線,關懷用戶群體的心理感受,帶給他們包容、關懷的同時給予跳躍般的活力。色彩上的選擇我們會依據年輕化群體的的喜好趨勢,與現有辦公產品拉開視覺上的區分。This year, HUY Furniture will present to a younger vibrant market, focusing on students' wants and likes. Design elements would include vivid colors and, gentle curves and lines. Thru colors we will differentiates the products for office space and younger groups.